This year we are collaborating in technology class with some students from Santa Fe, Nuevo México (USA). We are able to do this because Alberto Caballero, who is a teacher that worked in our highschool for some years, now he is teaching there.

Between us we exchange our ideas and we talk about the different things we learn. The first message that they sent to us was a quiz about wood and now it is our turn to send them a quiz about structures.

We speak english between us, last Thursday we abandoned the chat and we did our first videochat. We came in the afternoon to school because while we are at school they are sleeping. We had to do loads of calls because it was a little bit difficult to contact but at the end we were able to talk with them by pairs. It was amazing, we couldn´t believe that we were being able to talk with them in spite of the fact that we were really far away from them.

As we are working in the project «Línea 54», we have done some presentations of bioclimatic and home automation architecture about the south districts. In the next videochat we will show them our presentations and an American architect will talk about architecture in Santa Fe.

María Ruiz, 4ºB